"The President of the Senate shall, in
the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the
certificates and the votes shall then be counted."
I could drag this out or get right to the point. I will
get right to the point.
in the constitution says that the President of the Senate (who is
the Vice President of the U.S.) shall read the results on
any one particular day.
This person could simply refuse to
read the results until he chooses to read the results. He could
refuse to read the so-called "results" because he did not believe
them to be the true results or for any reason, for that matter.
matter what, the constitution does NOT state a particular day the results
shall be read. This person could put it off indefinitely.
In the meantime, if Congress does not like it, Congress could get to
work on amending the constitution and putting in an actual day that the
results shall be read. But as it is currently written, the constitution
states what it states on this topic, no more and no less. And it does not
state a date.
Note: It does say that congress shall choose a time
and day for the electors to give their votes. But it does
not say congress is to choose a time and day for the
results of those votes to be read.
aka www.DebraJMSmith.com