
Home Schooling - Parts I, II, & III
Audio - Jimmy Z and Myself (Debra)


• The 1st installment of a home schooling series: You can do this • Overview: Homeschooling from a Christian perspective - It works • Who is molding your child's mind? You or their school teachers
• If you are concerned about public schools, why send kids there? • Teaching in public school has it's limitations on teachers • Every child is different and should be approached in their way • People will say not to home school and you'll ruin your children • Neighbors and group members help other home school families • Building a home school classroom with desks and chalk boards • Laws • AndMore

Each part is roughly an hour. Be sure to reload the player page, if it does not reach the full amount of time.

 Part I - Click Here
Part II - Click Here
           Part III - Click Here   



NOTE: When we raise children, we are to do so unto the Lord, as we are to do all things. But please know that no matter what you do in raising your children, no matter how good you are, no matter if you do train them up the way they should go, once they are adults their choices are theirs. While it is true that they cannot depart from how they are/were trained-up, they certainly can and will stray from some of the way you raised them, as they will sin as anyone else sins. It is my belief that the scripture saying they cannot depart from how they were trained-up, means it will stay with them. Hence, if they go against their good upbringing, they will be going against that which they know better. So, rest on that. My point that I am making with the reference to that scripture is that we are told to train-up our children, not hand them over to others to raise. And I am not saying it cannot be done without home schooling. I am saying that in my case, as with many others, it was easier to train-up my own children, when I home schooled them. That's all I am saying by referencing to that scripture.



© Debra J.M. Smith